You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.1. Transactions - Job Transactions > Job Transactions Overview

Job Transactions Overview

All creation and maintenance of service (do-and-charge) jobs, field service jobs and quotes begins with the Job Information screen.

To create and maintain service jobs and quotes, you need to complete these steps:

  1. Either:
  1. Enter or maintain the job header details.

Refer to "Maintaining the Service Job Header".

  1. Optionally, if there are multiple stages in your job, add or maintain the job stages and variations.

Refer to "Job Transaction Processing - Stages - Variations and Stages" or "Job Transaction Processing - Stages - Load Stages".

  1. Add or maintain the materials needed for the job.

Refer to "Adding Materials to a Service Job".

  1. Optionally, add or maintain any text entered against the job (e.g. part numbers used by your staff).

Refer to "Adding Text to a Service Job".

  1. Add or maintain the labour needed to complete the job.

Refer to "Adding Labour to a Service Job".

  1. Optionally, edit or maintain the job details as required.

Refer to "Managing Service Jobs".

  1. Save the job in one of the following ways:
  1. Optionally, produce a job card (service call sheet) to be given to a service person.

Refer to "Job Transaction Processing - Job Card".

  1. As work on the job progresses and is completed, produce invoices or progress claims for the job as required.

Refer to "Service Jobs - Invoicing, Progress Claims and Credits".